Saturday, March 21, 2015

Don't be naive

Mark Zuckenberg and Steve Jobs dropped out of college and went on to change the world. Does it mean that you have to be a college dropout to leave your own dent? Of course not. 

You also don't have to attend Northern Michigan University just because Howard Schultz did and you want to become a great CEO someday. 

I majored in Italian and trust me that's not THE route to international teaching.

There's no such thing as a single path in life. If you believe it, you'd be ignoring the biggest variable, you. There are stories though, plenty of them, and you, my friend, will get to tell yours one day.


  1. Hey Bon, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now: I don't like your blog post. I mean, what you're getting to is an extremely cool idea, but I would have liked if you developed this more. In my point of view, I see this as a short reflection that you could have told the class in a group discussion about careers and college, as we are often having these few weeks. I see your intention of keeping it extremely short, as it calls the attention. We have been accustomed to see blog posts that are over 300 words as if it was normal and you wanting to do something different to trigger reflection in the brain is a brilliant idea. I just think you could have explored this a little bit more in depth and still have maintained the intended size. Like I said in our discussion, I liked the message, I just disliked how you transmitted it.

  2. Hey Jose Ignacio, thanks for the in-depth feedback. I would like you to think about this. Why did I keep it so short? What other ideas do you think I could have added?
